Magical Musings by GlowHallow

Random Owls Flying

Sample of Pottermore Welcome Letter

Well it appears some lucky betas are already receiving their welcome owls.  The sign in button returned around 10AM Eastern standard time, and the fortunate few are starting to report first entry to Pottermore.

The biggest surprise today, is that entry does not appear to be correlating to day of registration.  Though the website did say “first come first served,” I’ve always wondered if that mean for available registration spots per clue day–or whether that meant that those who were successful on Day 1 would get in well ahead of people like me who did not succeed until Day 7.

Needless to say, this is pissing a lot of Day 1 people off!

Most Day 1’s did receive their “pre-welcome” confirmation mail ahead of those of us who registered later…but my underaged wizard son got his email on the first day those communications went out–so I thought maybe he’d also get his entry owl today–but so far nothing.

I am speculating here that perhaps they are trying to balance servers around the globe to avoid crashing…so perhaps there is some sort of global subgroup of all registered betas being allowed in today.  I thought they might subselect based on demographics such as age, language, geographical location.  Who knows. It could also be totally random.  That does NOTHING to stop speculation by our decidedly bookish group of Hogwarts hopefuls.  So far there are not enough reports of entrance to establish any sort of pattern.

As a day 7 registrant myself, I am not feeling the let down that I know many of the early birds are experiencing as I did not expect to be through the gates in the first wave.  I keep checking my email, though, all the same!

For you lucky witches and wizards who were able to get in today–inquiring minds want to know which day you registered. We are trying to see if we can discern any pattern or trend.  Please help us with the following poll:

For the latest related twitters, please search for #OwlWatch2011.  If anyone has concrete information to share I will be sure to update here.

Good luck to all of you waiting–I think I invested less concern waiting for my college acceptance letters than this pesky Owl post!


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